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Podiatrists diagnose and treat conditions of the foot and lower limbs. Aiming to prevent and correct deformity, to relieve pain and maintain mobility.

A quarter of the bones in our entire body are in the foot and with the various muscles, ligaments and joints included this makes them susceptible to injury and diseases.


Treatments include:

  • Routine footcare

  • Toenail problems, including thickened, ingrown and fungal nails (including the Lacuna Method)

Mani Pedi
Flat Feet Care
  • Corns and callusses (hard skin)
  • Cracked heels

  • Diabetic footcare

  • Biomechanical assessment:

    • Allowing examination of pain or discomfort from the feet, ankles, knees or lower back to identify abnormalities, injury or how the body compensates irregularities.

  • Orthotics/prescriptive insoles; these footwear inserts are used to realign or assist biomechanical issues or help with pain resulting from medical conditions.

Broomhill Clinic Practitioners

Kathleen Budge - Podiatrist


For more details on Kathleen's costs and session times, please see the Practitioners Costs & Sessions Times above.


Kamila Gaska - Foot Health Care Practitioner

For more details on Kamila's costs and session times, please see the Practitioners Costs & Sessions Times above.

Broomhill Clinic. Website created by Nicky Spencer with

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